Mission Statement

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?  This analogy applies to threats to the Puyallup River.  Many of these threats go quietly unseen, yet they have real impact on the river and on people living in the watershed. It is often a challenge to teach people those impacts and to motivate change. Moreover, some groups of people are working hard to create change, yet their efforts also often go unseen, even by those who want to help.

The Puyallup River Outreach Project (PROP) was spurred by lessons learned and connections made while filming the documentary Water Undone: the Effort to Save the Puyallup River Watershed. PROP’s mission is twofold: (1) maintain a comprehensive clearinghouse of information about the watershed, related issues and efforts, and (2) provide a shared space for public outreach and education for those working for the Puyallup River. We hope you will join us, share your resources and contribute to efforts to restore and protect the river.